
Organizational psychology

Develop your abilities to effectively apply the different tools related to organizational psychology in the context of companies and institutions.


In many organizations, traditional management can be observed in which managers limit themselves to managing economic and structural factors. This limited focus implies a denial of the importance of cultural aspects and an undervaluation of the human element which frequently results in misunderstandings and conflicts between management and employees.

In this sense, the paradigm shift is important, leaving the purely rational approach and adopting a psychological approach to understand and manage inter-organizational processes. In practice, this means recognition and adequate management of the diversity of the human factor, its different values, competencies and motivations within the organizational context.

  • Programa Program Postgrado
  • Programa Duration 300 Hrs.


Generate capabilities to effectively apply the different tools related to organizational psychology in the context of companies and institutions.


  • Leadership and emotional intelligence.
  • Work environment and organizational culture.
  • Group processes: conflicts and coaching.
  • Psychological tests in personnel selection.
  • Personality and professional development.
  • The Assessment Center.
  • Positive psychology: managing organizational well-being.

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  • They certify it:
  • America Econiomía
  • QS B

Pregrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 (4)4268287

Admisiones Pregrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 78362269

Postgrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 71411110

Formación Continua Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 60370200

La Paz
Pregrado Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5
Teléfono: +591 (2) 2165700

Admisiones Pregrado Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5
Teléfono: +591 77201229

Postgrado Av. Hernando Siles # 5080 esq. calle 5, Obrajes
Teléfono: +591 71721407

Formación Continua Av. Hernando Siles # 5080 esq. calle 5, Obrajes
Teléfono: +591 60370200

Santa Cruz
Pregrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 (3) 50850020

Admisiones Pregrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 72139181

Postgrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 77671127

Formación Continua Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 60370200