

Through the UPB RSU Program, we renew our social commitment and generate a positive and ethical impact on society. With a focus on students, administration and academics and research, covering areas such as Environment, Social, Community and Family UPB.

The UPB University Social Responsibility Program (RSU) has the objective of contributing with a new philosophy to renew the social commitment of our university, generating positive and ethical impact on our society, through three chapters: Student, Administration and Academic/Research.

As for the work areas, they are divided into: Environment area, Social area. Community area and UPB Family area.

In the environment, activities are carried out in different areas, such as forestry, cleaning and collaboration, and the participation of students in various activities with other groups of young people is encouraged. In addition, topics and volunteering focused on the trafficking of wild animals, with domestic and wild animals, are covered, carrying out activities in domestic animal shelters.

In the UPB Family area, training is provided such as “Responsible driver”, “defensive driving”, among others, thus promoting social responsibility.

  • They certify it:
  • America Econiomía
  • QS B

Pregrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 (4)4268287

Admisiones Pregrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 78362269

Postgrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 71411110

Formación Continua Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 60370200

La Paz
Pregrado Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5
Teléfono: +591 (2) 2165700

Admisiones Pregrado Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5
Teléfono: +591 77201229

Postgrado Av. Hernando Siles # 5080 esq. calle 5, Obrajes
Teléfono: +591 71721407

Formación Continua Av. Hernando Siles # 5080 esq. calle 5, Obrajes
Teléfono: +591 60370200

Santa Cruz
Pregrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 (3) 50850020

Admisiones Pregrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 72139181

Postgrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 77671127

Formación Continua Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 60370200