
Diploma in Investment Advisors, Stock Market Operators and SME Structurers

Program to master financial investments: consolidating theory and practice.


The Bolivian Private University (UPB) and the Bolivian Stock Exchange (BBV) have signed an inter-institutional agreement to present the Diploma of Investment Advisors, Stock Market Operators and SME Structurers, a program that will allow participants to consolidate the theoretical-practical foundations to make investments in various financial instruments, through comprehensive training, adapted to the reality of the money market and national capital market, incorporating the latest advances in the field worldwide, applying a highly dynamic and participatory methodology.


  • National and international professors: This program has the experience and knowledge of both local and international experts in the field of financial investments. This ensures a broad and diverse perspective, as well as access to the latest global trends and practices in the world of finance.
  • Access to the ALUMNI UPB Job Board : Participants will have the opportunity to access an exclusive network of alumni of the institution, which gives them significant advantages in searching for and accessing job opportunities in the financial sector. This job board connects graduates with potential employers, increasing their chances of career success.
  • Networking: In addition to access to the job board, the program facilitates networking opportunities with established professionals in the financial industry. These meetings allow us to establish valuable contacts, exchange ideas and experiences.

La universidad privada #1 de Bolivia

  • They certify it:
  • UPB
  • UPB
  • UPB

We are members of:

  • UPB
  • UPB
  • UPB

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Pregrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 (4)4268287

Admisiones Pregrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 78362269

Postgrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 71411110

Formación Continua Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 60370200

La Paz
Pregrado Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5
Teléfono: +591 (2) 2165700

Admisiones Pregrado Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5
Teléfono: +591 77201229

Postgrado Av. Hernando Siles # 5080 esq. calle 5, Obrajes
Teléfono: +591 71721407

Formación Continua Av. Hernando Siles # 5080 esq. calle 5, Obrajes
Teléfono: +591 60370200

Santa Cruz
Pregrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 (3) 50850020

Admisiones Pregrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 72139181

Postgrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 77671127

Formación Continua Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 60370200