
Full Time MBA 2024

High-quality MBA at a national and international level, becoming a benchmark that incorporates highly trained professionals into the world of work.

Be part of the Full Time MBA!

Differentiators - Reasons why to study

The MBA that enhances your management skills

  • The FULL TIME MBA is based on high standards of international academic quality, due to its teachers and the use of case methodology from Harvard University.
  • It is one of the eleven programs in the world that make intensive use of the case methodology in all its courses, with modern and exclusive infrastructure. The professors in this program are specialized in teaching by this method and conduct research in their area of specialty.
  • By completing the master's degree you can access the CAPSTONE COURSE at INCAE (Costa Rica), the Senior Management Program with the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), the Digital Business Certification Program in Florida Gulf Coast (USA).
  • During the course and at the end of the master's degree, we work in a Networking Network, with international teachers, students who have worked in different companies, and the UPB Alumni Network.

Your future

Upon completion of the program, new opportunities are provided to the student to continue training and learning management skills. The consultancies allow you to integrate into a work environment for two months in large companies in Bolivia and abroad. Creating a great experience full of professional and human experience.


Our students have the great opportunity to do two months of consulting in national or foreign companies. Which allows them to acquire new practical tools, and the possibility of opening job doors.


• Admission application form (Admission Advisor)


• Entrance test (Admissions Advisor).

• Interview Two Letters of Recommendation (format


• Payment Commitment Signature.

• Legalized photocopy of the Academic Diploma.

• Legalized Photocopy of the Title in Provision


• Updated Curriculum Vitae.

• Photocopy of the ID card.

• Original Computerized Birth Certificate.

• Five Photographs 3 x 3.5 cm. Blue background.

La universidad privada #1 de Bolivia

  • They certify it:
  • UPB
  • UPB
  • UPB

We are members of:

  • UPB
  • UPB
  • UPB

Still undecided?

Keep exploring our academic offerings.

More information

Pregrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 (4)4268287

Admisiones Pregrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 78362269

Postgrado Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 71411110

Formación Continua Av. Cap. Víctor Ustáriz Km. 6.5
Teléfono: +591 60370200

La Paz
Pregrado Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5
Teléfono: +591 (2) 2165700

Admisiones Pregrado Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5
Teléfono: +591 77201229

Postgrado Av. Hernando Siles # 5080 esq. calle 5, Obrajes
Teléfono: +591 71721407

Formación Continua Av. Hernando Siles # 5080 esq. calle 5, Obrajes
Teléfono: +591 60370200

Santa Cruz
Pregrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 (3) 50850020

Admisiones Pregrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 72139181

Postgrado Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 77671127

Formación Continua Prolongación Av. Piraí entre 6to y 7mo anillo
Teléfono: +591 60370200