

Defending justice, protecting rights.
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The Private University#1 of Bolivia


#1 employer reputationin Bolivia

#1 teacher/student ratio


The Law degree has the objective of training professionals with a corporate, international and public perspective. It has a focus on the business sector, maintaining a close connection with the political, economic and social reality at a national and international level.

  • Programa Program Undergraduate
  • Programa Location Santa Cruz
  • Programa Duration 8 SEMESTRES
  • Programa Credits 225


  • Corporate advice to public or private companies.
  • Develop professional activities in the field of International Law.
  • Pursuit of a diplomatic or consular career.
  • Carry out legal defense work for the State.
  • Litigation in civil, criminal, family proceedings, among others.
  • Pursuit of professional career in the administration of justice.
  • Develop alternative dispute resolution methods.

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Study plan and Mentions

  • Roman Law
  • Introduction to the study of law
  • Society and State
  • Contemporary World Context
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Written Communication Techniques
  • computing
  • English Beginners
  • Constitutional Law I
  • Labor Law
  • Criminal Law I
  • People and Property
  • Sociology of Law
  • General Process Theory
  • Surrounding analysis
  • English Intermediate
  • Commercial Law I
  • Constitutional Law II
  • Public International Law I
  • Criminal Law II
  • Obligations
  • Social Security
  • Methods and techniques of investigation
  • English High Intermediate
  • Contracts I
  • Administrative Law I
  • Commercial Law II
  • Family and Minor Law
  • Private International Law I
  • Philosophy and Legal Deontology
  • Leadership and Ethics
  • English Advanced
  • Contracts II
  • Administrative Law II
  • Commercial Law III
  • Private International Law II
  • Labor Procedural Law
  • Successions
  • General Economy
  • Budget and Costs
  • Professional Practice I
  • Customs law
  • Environmental and Resources Law
  • Integration Right
  • Tax Law
  • Insurance Law and Management
  • Labor Forensic Practice
  • Civil Procedure I
  • Criminal Procedural Law
  • Entrepreneurship
  • International Trade
  • Financial law
  • Industrial and Intellectual Law
  • Criminal Forensic Practice
  • Civil Procedure II
  • Professional Practice II
  • International recruitment
  • Stock Market Law
  • Civil Forensic Practice
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
  • Special Procedures
  • Graduation project
  • Thesis
  • Directed Work
  • Grade test
  • Graduation for Excellence
  • Teaching staff with extensive professional experience and academic credentials at the master's and doctoral level at nationally and internationally recognized universities.
  • The content of our subjects is constantly updated based on the legal needs and trends of society as a whole.
  • Legal research and analytical thinking are promoted in the resolution of cases, constantly linking theory with practice.
  • The professional practices that are part of the curriculum allow our students to gain experience prior to entering the world of work. On several occasions, professional internships have become their first job in both the public and private sectors.
  • The Law degree, within its extracurricular activities, has the Arbitration Club, the Human Rights Club and participation in Moots in areas of student interest such as Intellectual Property Law. Participating in these initiatives allows the Upbino student to represent the University in national and international competitions. This experience deepens their knowledge in the areas of their interest, developing writing and oral expression skills. Likewise, it gives them the possibility of generating a network of contacts with their peers from other countries, contributing to their professional profile from their training stage.

They talk about us

UPB Lucia Lazarte La carrera de derecho superó todas mis expectativas en la universidad. Los docentes me enseñaron a aplicar los conocimientos en mi día a día y a fomentar mi crecimiento personal y pensamiento crítico. Además, gracias a su orientación, pude expandir mis horizontes hasta lo internacional. Siempre estaré agradecida con ellos por haberme hecho amar este proceso de la vida universitaria.
UPB Fabian Roca En mi experiencia en la carrera de derecho, he tenido la suerte de contar con docentes altamente capacitados. Para aquellos a quienes les gustan las leyes y la expresión oral, es un proceso muy gratificante ya que te brinda la oportunidad de desarrollar habilidades para hablar en público y expresarse de manera clara y concisa.
UPB Hikari Onishi Estudiar Derecho en la UPB proporciona varias ventajas no solo relacionadas con el ejercicio de la profesión, sino que también te permite desarrollar un pensamiento mucho más crítico que te proporciona una visión diferente y mucho más amplia del mundo ya que, se encuentra en constante adaptación de la realidad que la sociedad.


Staff teachers

  • Mgr. Cynthia Gabriela Diaz Quevedo Derecho Comercial Internacional, Contratación Internacional, Derecho Administrativo I, Personas y Bienes e Introducción al Derecho Empresarial.

  • Mgr. Carlos Alberto Goitia Caballero Introducción al Estudio del Derecho, Sociedad y Estado, Derecho Constitucional I y II, Derecho Penal I y II, Derecho Aduanero y Procedimientos Especiales.

  • Mgr. Horacio Calvo Contexto Mundial Contemporáneo, Historia de Bolivia

Guest teachers

  • Dra. Alejandra Orsini Arze Introducción al Derecho Empresarial - Derecho Comercial

  • Dr. Herlan Olguín Pereira Introducción al Derecho - Derecho Constitucional

  • Dra. Jeaninne Lozada Raldes Derecho Laboral - Seguridad Social

  • Dra. Andere Indacochea Pardo de Zela Derecho Procesal Laboral - Práctica Forense Laboral

  • Dr. José Carlos Bernal Rivera Obligaciones - Contratos I y II

  • Dr. Juan Manuel Navarro Ameller, PhD Derecho Penal I y II - Filosofía y Deontología Jurídica

  • Dra. Gizel Siles Roca Derecho Romano - Personas y Bienes

  • Dr. Diego Tamayo Hornsby Sociología del Derecho

  • Dr. Ricardo Alemán Zapata Derecho Comercial III

  • Dr. Juan Pablo Sánchez Deuer Derecho Comercial I y II

  • Dr. Israel Suárez Méndez Derecho Constitucional - Sociedad y Estado

  • Dra. Raquel Molina Arraya Derecho Administrativo I y II

  • Dra. Patricia Oropeza Oropeza Derecho de Familia y del Menor

  • Dr. René Cuellar Miranda Derecho Comercial

  • Dra. Carola Soruco Majluf Derecho Tributario

  • Dr. Daniel Antequera Rocabado Derecho Administrativo - Derecho Procesal

  • Dr. Rodrigo Rivera Aldazosa Derecho Procesal Civil

  • Dr. José Díaz Molina Derecho Financiero - Derecho Bursátil

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  • They certify it:
  • America Econiomía
  • QS B