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The Private University#1 of Bolivia


#1 employer reputationin Bolivia

#1 teacher/student ratio


Because it is an engineering of industrial production processes aimed at generating added value on raw materials and inputs, to obtain products and services that fully satisfy customer requirements, in which the design, installation, operation and optimization of production systems is applied. transformation. The Production Engineer, due to his multidisciplinary training and global vision of the organization, has professional skills to:

  • Combine the management of natural, human, financial and technological resources in the process environment.
  • Reconcile production operations with the requirements and continuous changes operating today.
  • Design, install, operate, control and optimize production or transformation systems.
  • Design and implement integrated quality, environmental, food safety and industrial safety management plans and systems.
  • Prepare, evaluate and implement investment projects.

Production Engineering students have the opportunity to actively participate in the research projects of the associated research centers: the CIPI (Center for Research in Industrial Processes) or the CIAA (Center for Agricultural and Agroindustrial Research). With this boost, graduates of the program are prepared to continue their postgraduate studies in prestigious foreign universities, in accordance with our internationalization model. Production Engineering professionals can opt for different areas of specialization, such as: Industrial Management, Environment, Food, Industrial Biotechnology, Quality Management, Project Preparation and Evaluation, among others, and are qualified to perform engineering and management activities in:

  • Manufacturing industries (food and beverages, leather, glass, paper, biotechnology, cosmetics, etc.).
  • Commercial and service organizations, nationally and internationally.
  • Public or Private Institutions in the areas of Development, Production, Energy, Environment, Technology; as well as as an independent worker, as a consultant and/or in starting their own business.
  • Programa Program Undergraduate
  • Programa Location La Paz
  • Programa Duration 9 SEMESTRES
  • Programa Credits 225


Train professionals with solid scientific and practical knowledge to efficiently contribute to the transformation of resources into products with high added value and high quality engineering services. Innovation and permanent updating in vocational training appropriate to the needs of the environment and society are developed in parallel with the search for excellence, competitiveness, productivity and quality.

Our activities are aimed at the comprehensive training of the future Graduate in Production Engineering, capable of functioning in any area of the productive sector with a high personal and social commitment and technical and scientific capacity to respond to the needs of the sector and take advantage of Bolivia's potential.

“To be a leading career in the comprehensive training of professionals in the area of Production Engineering; recognized nationally and internationally for high levels of educational quality with values, ethical, entrepreneurial and competitive principles; promoting research and innovation to contribute to the industrial development of society.”


Train professionals in the field of Production Engineering of the highest academic level with the knowledge and skills necessary to get involved in the design, installation, operation and optimization of transformation systems aimed at generating added value on raw materials and inputs for obtain products and services that fully satisfy customer requirements.


The Production Engineer is a bilingual professional with technical and multidisciplinary training, focused on the production processes of tangible and intangible goods, capable of understanding the technical, environmental, financial and human components that make up a production operation; with the ability to organize, plan, coordinate and control the processes under their responsibility, supported by a comprehensive vision of the organization, self-management and a critical sense when undertaking a task.

The Production Engineer has professional skills to:

  • Combine the management of natural, human, financial and technological resources in the process environment.
  • Reconcile production operations with the requirements, restrictions and continuous changes operating today.
  • Design, install, operate, control and optimize production or transformation systems.
  • Design and implement quality control systems. Prepare, evaluate and implement investment projects.
  • Design and implement environmental management systems. Manage and manage projects. Work in multiple business scenarios.


  • Train professionals with the ability to carry out design, installation, operation, control and optimization activities of systems for transforming raw materials into products and services that allow the opening of new export markets.
  • Train professionals with the ability to combine the management of natural, technological, environmental, financial and human resources in the environment of production processes.
  • Train entrepreneurial professionals, who can plan, start and carry out their own company in the field, or with professionals from other areas, with attitudes and values such as: leadership, honesty, responsibility at work, spirit of personal improvement, entrepreneurial capacity, innovation and creativity, respect for the dignity of people and nature, appreciation for our culture and the positive vision of the international environment.
  • Develop in students a spirit of research, which allows them to generate knowledge for the benefit of the community, increasing the possibility of providing quality services and products to the population.


  • Graduates will have the ability to design, install, operate, control and optimize systems for transforming raw materials into products and services, which will allow them to open new export markets.
  • Graduates will be able to effectively combine the management of natural, technological, environmental, financial and human resources in the environment of production processes, which will allow them to develop a comprehensive vision of business management.
  • Graduates will have the necessary skills to plan, start and carry out their own company in the field or collaborate with other professionals, demonstrating attitudes and values such as leadership, honesty, responsibility at work, entrepreneurial capacity, innovation and creativity, among others.
  • Graduates will be able to carry out research in the field of production, which will allow them to generate knowledge for the benefit of the community and develop quality products and services.
  • Graduates will have an ethical and sustainable approach to their work, demonstrating respect for the dignity of people and nature, as well as appreciation for culture and a positive vision of the international environment.

Meet our career manager


In September 1992, the UPB Production Engineering program was created, belonging to the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, based in Cochabamba. Throughout these years, the degree faced positive transformations that occurred according to the demands of the labor market, the need to adequately analyze the complex scenarios of the national industry and the importance of providing teaching in accordance with global trends. . The latest curricular design of the Production Engineering career, approved in October 2017, contemplates the improvement and adjustment of the curricular contents in order to provide the national industry and the country as a whole with professionals with comprehensive training that will allow us to be the agents of change for the modernization of the industry.

In these 30 years, the program has been gaining prestige for the complete training of its students, who are highly valued in the labor market and who successfully continue their postgraduate studies at prestigious universities in the world. In addition, the Production Engineering degree has met the Academic Quality criteria, established for the Accreditation of the ARCU - SUR System of MERCOSUR Educational in March 2012.

Study plan and Mentions

  • Matemáticas para Ingeniería I
  • Química I
  • Álgebra Lineal
  • Diseño para Ingeniería
  • Programación I
  • Técnicas de Comunicación Escrita
  • English Begginers
  • Matemáticas para Ingeniería II
  • Probabilidad y Estadística
  • Química II
  • Física I
  • Herramientas Informáticas para Ingeniería
  • Innovación y Creatividad
  • English Intermediate
  • Ecuaciones Diferenciales
  • Física II
  • Termodinámica
  • Matemáticas para Ingeniería III
  • Diseño Asistido por Computadora
  • English High Intermediate
  • Procesos Unitarios I
  • Fisicoquímica
  • Métodos Numéricos
  • Fundamentos de Ingeniería Eléctrica
  • Sistemas Integrados de Gestión
  • Materiales para Ingeniería
  • English Advanced
  • Procesos Unitarios II
  • Ingeniería de Producción I
  • Investigación de Operaciones I
  • Costos Industriales
  • Tecnología Mecánica
  • Análisis del Entorno
  • Análisis y Diseño de Experimentos
  • Práctica Profesional I
  • Procesos Unitarios III
  • Ingeniería de Producción II
  • Investigación de Operaciones II
  • Control Estadístico de Calidad
  • Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación
  • Contabilidad Administrativa
  • Procesos de Manufactura de No Metales
  • Procesos Unitarios IV
  • Ingeniería de Producción III
  • Ingeniería Económica y Financiera
  • Simulación
  • Liderazgo y Ética
  • Gestión del Talento Humano
  • Mercadotecnia
  • Práctica Profesional II
  • Electiva I
  • Calidad y Productividad
  • Preparación y Evaluación de Proyectos I
  • Industria y Medio Ambiente
  • Seguridad Industrial
  • Emprendedurismo
  • Diseño de Plantas
  • Ingeniería de Alimentos
  • Electiva II
  • Preparación y Evaluación de Proyectos II
  • Dirección Estratégica
  • Sistemas de Información para la Producción
  • Electiva III
  • Proyecto de Grado
  • Seminario de Grado: Proyecto de Grado
  • Seminario de Grado: Trabajo Dirigido
  • Seminario de Grado: Examen de Grado
  • Seminario de Grado: Graduación por Excelencia
  • Procesos Agroindustriales
  • Procesos Biotecnológicos Industriales
  • Energías Alternativas
  • Introducción a la Industria Petrolera
  • Técnicas de Gas Natural I
  • Logística Integral
  • Administración de Micro y Pequeñas Empresas
  • Introducción al Derecho Empresarial
  • Investigación de Mercados
  • Administración Internacional
  • Nuestra malla curricular nos permite hablar tanto el idioma técnico como el empresarial, pues tenemos materias como Procesos Unitarios, Ingeniería de la Producción, Análisis y Diseño de Experimentos, entre otras. Además, tenemos materias del área empresarial, como Emprendedurismo, Mercadotecnia, Ingeniería Económica y Financiera. Esto nos permite tener una visión de conjunto de la organización, por esa razón el mercado de trabajo es amplio y las posibilidades de posgrado también
  • Tenemos dos centros de investigación asociados: el CIPI (Centro de Investigaciones y Procesos Industriales) y el CIAA (Centro de Investigaciones Agroindustriales Andinas), en los que participan en forma activa tanto estudiantes como docentes. Con este impulso, los graduados de la carrera están preparados para proseguir sus estudios de posgrado en prestigiosas universidades extranjeras, acorde con nuestro modelo de internacionalización
  • La carrera está acreditada al MERCOSUR, esto significa que nuestros programas de estudio son validados y reconocidos a nivel internacional. Otras ventajas de la acreditación son que permite el intercambio estudiantil y de docentes a otros países asociados y facilita la búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades para los graduados
  • Contamos con laboratorios debidamente equipados, que nos permiten aplicar los conocimientos teóricos desde el primer semestre


Staff teachers

  • Agatha da Silva Ovando Ph.Dc Logística Integral, Métodos y técnicas de Investigación

  • Mgr. Fernando Lopez Magne Investigación de Operaciones II, Simulación

  • Elizabeth M. Torres Santa Cruz Ph.D. Procesos Unitarios IV, Procesos Biotecnológicos Industriales, Ingeniería De Alimentos, Procesos Agroindustriales, Química I

  • Ramiro Escalera Vasquez Ph.D. Procesos Unitarios I, Procesos Unitarios Il, Procesos Unitarios Ill

  • C. Carla Quiroga Ledezma Ph.D. Industria Y Medio Ambiente, Fisicoquímica, Química Il

  • Verónica Moreno Ponce De León Mg. Ingeniería De Producción II, Ingeniería De Producción III, Calidad Y Productividad, Preparación Y Evaluación De Proyectos I

  • Santiago Relos Paco Mg. Matemáticas Para Ingeniería I, Matemáticas Para Ingeniería II, Matemáticas Para Ingeniería III, Álgebra Lineal

  • Carlos De La Torre Ávila Mg. Matemáticas Para Ingeniería I, Matemáticas Para Ingeniería II, Matemáticas Para Ingeniería III, Álgebra Lineal

  • Hugo Rojas Salinas Ph.D. Métodos Numéricos

  • Alberto Grájeda Chacón Ph.D Herramientas Informáticas Para Ingeniería

  • Daniel Sempertegui Tapia Ph.D Termodinámica

  • Mabel Pueyo Roy Ph.D Gestión Del Talento Humano

  • Omar Ormachea Muñoz Ph.D. Física I, Física II

  • Juan Antonio Fernandez León Mg. Física I, Física II

  • Jorge Soliz Torrico Mg. Física I, Física II

  • Marcelo López De La Rosa Mg. Programación I , Sistemas De Información Para La Producción

  • Marcel Barrero Mendizabal Mg. Programación I

  • Luis Veizaga Manrique Mg. Sistemas Integrados De Gestión, Ingeniería De Producción I

  • César Villagomez Villarroel Mg. Investigación De Operaciones I

  • Luis Paz Soldan García Mg. Química I

  • Roberto Soruco Soliz Mg. Probabilidad Y Estadística

  • Samuel Thomas Mamani Mg. Matemáticas Para Ingeniería I, Matemáticas Para Ingeniería II, Matemáticas Para Ingeniería III, Álgebra Lineal

Guest teachers

  • Hugo Arzabe Vasquez Mg. Manufactura De No Metales, Materiales Para Ingeniería

  • Bladimir Sandi Delgadillo Mg. Ingeniería Económica Y Financiera

  • Luis Manuel Pérez Baldivieso Mg. Seguridad Industrial

  • Enzo Pacheco Arce Mg. Preparación Y Evaluación De Proyectos Il


Production Engineering students have the opportunity to actively participate in the projects of the associated research centers: the CIPI (Center for Research in Industrial Processes) or the CIAA (Center for Agricultural and Agroindustrial Research). With this boost, graduates of the program are prepared to continue their postgraduate studies in prestigious foreign universities, in accordance with our internationalization model.

Created in August 2004. Its purpose is to carry out technical-scientific studies to improve the competitiveness and productivity of industrial companies in the region and the country, within the framework of ecologically sustainable industrial development.

The research areas that are carried out are part of the programs:

1 | Natural Resources Program: Development of industrial products and processes taking advantage of natural resources and Bolivian biodiversity.
2 | Ecologically Sustainable Industrial Development Program: Application of cleaner production techniques and waste treatment in established industries.
3 | Energy Efficiency and Optimization Program: For application in the national industry.

Created with the sponsorship of the Foundation for the Promotion and Development of Microenterprise (PRODEM) in October 2007. Its objective is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of small agricultural producers in the Bolivian highlands, valleys and plains, through applied research, training and technological transfer, which promote: the diversification of agricultural production, the introduction of new appropriate industrial processing techniques, the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of high-altitude agriculture, greater food security and the conservation of biodiversity.

The research carried out at this center is:

  • Valorization of underutilized species: characterization, productivity, diversification and industrial processing.
  • Development of products with added value and technological development
  • Productivity improvement: varieties, soils and water, technology transfer
  • Adaptation of new agricultural products.


Students showing their innovative and safe products designed and produced in the subject of food engineering

Production Engineering students are progressively prepared for an industrial scenario, adapted to today's society, for which the bases of industrial, chemical, physical and biotechnological unitary processes are solidified, all in an environment of fraternity and collaboration with professors. , students and alumni, thus ensuring optimal professional development.

They talk about us

UPB Maria Fernanda Cossio Si eres alguien curioso, esta es la carrera correcta. Puedes entender un proceso, los fenómenos y extrapolarlos a diferentes áreas, al mismo tiempo tener la capacidad de administrarlo. Es un equilibrio entre lo técnico y administrativo.
UPB René Gumucio Ingeniería de la Producción es una carrera bastante amplia y con elevado porcentaje de empleabilidad. No me arrepiento de la decisión que tomó ese René de 17 años, ahora siento pasión por la industria y quiero contribuir a mi país.
UPB Rubén Cuéllar Al principio, me atrajo el contenido curricular orientado a los procesos, pero a medida que avanzaba mis materias, se revelaron diferentes enfoques, emocionantes y diversos. El perfil versátil de la carrera me llevó a un mundo fascinante.

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  • They certify it:
  • America Econiomía
  • QS B