

Boosting the energy that moves the world.
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The Private University#1 of Bolivia


#1 employer reputationin Bolivia

#1 teacher/student ratio


Today UPB has the best option for you, with a career in which you can train as a professional trained to face the challenges of the oil industry in its multiple areas. This industry is one of the most important in the world, and Bolivia is a country that produces natural gas and condensate, key resources for the economic and social development of the region.

If you are passionate about this area, the UPB Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering degree is for you. At our university you will develop the skills and competencies necessary to work and tackle projects such as exploration, drilling, exploitation and production, transportation and storage, processing and industrialization, as well as marketing and distribution of these resources. This important industry and the development of the country awaits you, this is your opportunity!

  • Programa Program Undergraduate
  • Programa Location La Paz
  • Programa Duration 9 SEMESTRES
  • Programa Credits 225


  • Project, execute and manage activities of exploration, exploitation, production, treatment plants, transportation, industrialization and marketing of hydrocarbon resources.
  • Incorporate and innovate technology in the hydrocarbon industry.
  • Develop engineering, technology management and research activities in the sector.
  • Apply knowledge in hydrocarbon negotiation and energy economics.
  • Promote awareness and practical training in comprehensive management of companies in the sector considering aspects of work safety, hygiene and the environment.

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Study plan and Mentions

  • Linear algebra
  • Mathematics for Engineering I
  • Programming I
  • Chemistry I
  • Engineering Design
  • Written Communication Techniques
  • English Beginners
  • Physics I
  • Probability and statistics
  • Mathematics for Engineering II
  • Computer Tools for Engineering
  • Chemistry II
  • Innovation and creativity
  • English Intermediate
  • Physical and Petroleum Geology
  • Rigid Body Mechanics
  • Mathematics for Engineering III
  • Introduction to the Oil Industry
  • Thermodynamics
  • Computer-aided design
  • English High Intermediate
  • Geophysics
  • Physics II
  • Differential equations
  • Unitary Processes I
  • Material science
  • Physical chemistry
  • English Advanced
  • Reservoir Engineering I
  • Mechanics of Materials I
  • Numerical methods
  • Oil Production I
  • Oil Drilling I
  • Drilling fluids
  • Unitary Processes II
  • Topography
  • Professional Practice I
  • Methods and techniques of investigation
  • Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
  • Oil Production II
  • Oil Drilling II
  • Well Log Evaluation
  • Unitary Processes III
  • Leadership and Ethics
  • Reservoir Engineering II
  • Instrumentation and Automation
  • Well Cementing
  • Transportation and Storage of Hydrocarbons I
  • Natural Gas Techniques I
  • Oil Refining
  • Integrated Management Systems in the Oil Industry
  • Surrounding analysis
  • Professional Practice II
  • Reservoir Engineering III
  • Improved Extraction Techniques
  • Oil Drilling III
  • Transportation and Storage of Hydrocarbons II
  • Petrochemistry I
  • Industrial Security
  • Preparation and evaluation of projects
  • Elective I
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Hydrocarbon Marketing
  • Elective II
  • Elective III
  • Degree Seminar
  • Downstream
  • Upstream
  • Petrochemical II
  • Natural Gas Techniques II
  • Liquefied Natural Gas Systems
  • Corrosion and Cathodic Protection
  • Biofuels
  • Petrochemical III
  • Oil Drilling IV
  • Reservoir Engineering IV
  • New Drilling Technologies
  • Hydraulic fracture
  • Promotes the use of simulators so that students are exposed to real situations in up-stream and down-stream.
  • Received a donation of over $3 million worth of simulation packages from Petroleum Experts (PETEX- England).
  • For many years we were active and certified members of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)- Studen Chapter.
  • The degree received a distinction for the work carried out in favor of petroleum engineering and society by the SPE.
  • Promotes research into new energy sources such as biofuels.
  • It offers academic exchanges with universities abroad where specialized upstream centers are visited.
  • Promotes research in biofuels, green energy, green chemistry, and environmentally friendly drilling fluids so that students know the importance of scientific and applied research.
  • The race has the Phytochemical Research Center, which dedicates its efforts to the search for green energy, biofuels and new drilling fluids.
  • The degree also has several academic laboratories that allow experiments to be carried out to consolidate the knowledge acquired in theoretical classes. The practical component in the career plays a very important role.
  • Academic visits to industries in the country related to hydrocarbons are promoted.
  • The academic content of the degree is constantly updated in accordance with the needs and sophistications required at a national and international level. These updates are evident in the syllables, laboratory practices and research projects.

They talk about us

UPB Rubén Ariel Lazo Monroy Elegí esta carrera porque siempre me gustaron los retos, siento que ser Ingeniero es lo mejor que puede haber ya que es muy difícil de ser comparado con la sociedad. Gracias a la resiliencia y mis compañeros pude vivir toda la gran experiencia que es ser estudiante de ingeniería en la UPB.
UPB Sarah Micaela Durán Quezada Esta carrera me ha enseñado, liderazgo y responsabilidad. La ingeniera petrolera me ha abierto muchas puertas, sobre todo me ofrece trabajar en campo. Aquí he hecho amigos y aprendido muchas cosas, convirtiéndome en alguien más madura y confiada.
UPB Daniel Muñoz Navia Durante mis estudios me percaté de que me apasiona la innovación tecnológica en la industria petrolera y de biocombustibles. ?Mi perspectiva principal es incrementar la investigación de la obtención de biocombustibles a partir de residuos naturales.


Staff teachers

  • Sandra Liliana Ibáñez Calero Ph.D. Estructura molecular - Procesos de separación I - Fitoquímica y Metabolitos Secundarios - Análisis Espectrométricos y Espectroscópicos I, II

  • MSc. Ebbe Luz Yapu Tapia Introducción a la Química - Química I

  • M.Sc. Franco Palenque Valdez Ingeniería de Reservorios I-III; Producción Petrolera I-III; Evaluación con registro de pozos.

Guest teachers

  • M.Sc. Juan José Focaccio Tejada Perforación Petrolera I- IV; Nuevas Técnicas de Perforación

  • M.Sc. José Daniel Alvarez Gantier Petroquímica; Refinación Petrolera; Técnicas de Gas Natural I-II; Transporte y Almacenamiento de Hidrocarburos

  • Ing. Arturo Daniel Montoya Chavez Laboratorios de Biocombustibles; Laboratorios de Fluidos de Perforación

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  • They certify it:
  • America Econiomía
  • QS B